
Set undefined (undefined) Cena
Token trenutno nije dostupan za kupovinu na Kriptomatu. Proverite ponovo kasnije.

Price performance

All time high
Najviša cena ikada dostignuta kriptovalutom.
All time low
Najniža cena ikada dostignuta kriptovalutom.
Minimum - 24h
24h - najviša
Pre 1 nedelje
Pre mesec dana
Pre 6 meseci
Pre 1 godine

Tržni pocatki

Tržišni rang
Dominacija na tržištu
Tržišna kapitalizacija
-- €
% za 24h
Obim trgovanja u 24h
NaN €


Količina u opticaju
The number of coins or tokens that are publicly available and circulating in the market.
Ukupna ponuda
The total amount of coins or tokens that currently exist, excluding those that were burned or destroyed.


The classification of a cryptocurrency based on its primary use case or functionality.
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