The fast, simple, affordable way to exchange crypto assets
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Choose from 400+ crypto-to-crypto pairs
Direct currency conversions save you time, trouble, and expense.

Fast and secure
Kriptomat exchanges digital assets efficiently because there’s no intermediate currency. Every exchange is friction-free, secure, and efficient.
Save on transaction fees
Fewer steps means fewer fees. At Kriptomat, your exchange happens directly without the expense and delay of passing through an intermediate fiat currency.
Anytime, anywhere
The Kriptomat app runs everywhere you need it: on the desktop, on Android, on iOS. Exchange currency whenever you like, wherever you are.
Latest cryptocurrencies
Kriptomat is always adding to an ever-growing list of supported cryptos. Here are the latest additions.
Manage your portfolio –
wherever you are
Use the website or download our safe and secure mobile app today.