Optimism Price Overview
The current Optimism price is 1.040000 €. The price has changed by -6.71% in the past 24 hours on trading volume of 210075605.00 €. The market rank of Optimism is 65 based on a market capitalization of 1683187757.00 €. Optimism has a circulating supply of 1620705846.00 OP. The highest recorded Optimism price is 4.460000 €. And the lowest recorded OP price is 0.383155000 €.
How do Optimism price movements correlate with market trends? Check our complete cryptocurrency exchange rate page for information at a glance.
Analysing Optimism’s price history
Before buying any cryptocurrency, it’s worth doing your homework. That means analyzing the price history to look for recurring patterns and indicators that the price of your investment is more likely to rise than to fall.
Make sure your price prediction for Optimism matches your long-term and short-term financial goals.
There are countless ways to analyse crypto price performance and make a buying decision. Two of the most commonly used are technical analysis and fundamental analysis.
Technical analysis is valuable in crypto investing even if you don’t have access to years of historical price data in the Optimism chart. For example, with many cryptos, dramatic price drops and periods of high volatility have been followed by a sustained rise to new highs. There’s no guarantee that the pattern will be sustained in the future, but if it has been consistent in the past, it’s worth considering.
In fundamental analysis, you examine economic, financial, political, and social factors that influence prices. You collect information about interest rates, gross domestic product, manufacturing data, and unemployment rates to make informed predictions about stock prices.
You can consult an expert to tell you how to buy Optimism. However, it’s fast and easy to buy Optimism with the Kriptomat app. Optimism is available for immediate purchase at the current Optimism price quote of 1.040000 €. Current prices are always displayed in the Optimism chart.
News events are important too, especially economic indicators. Is the national bank raising interest rates? Are fiscal conservatives being elected? Have storms or droughts disrupted agriculture, tourism, and other industries?
Most investors find it best to apply both technical and fundamental analysis techniques when evaluating a purchase or sale.
Buying Optimism with Kriptomat
Discover where and how to buy Optimism online. With Kriptomat, buying OP and other cryptocurrencies is easy, quick, and secure.

Factors influencing the Price of Optimism
Many factors affect the value of Optimism.
The Optimism exchange rate sometimes moves with changes in the wider economy. And sometimes crypto moves the opposite direction. For example, many cryptos have made impressive gains despite bank failures and economic uncertainty in international financial markets. This may indicate that investors have turned away from risky banks and turned to crypto, which has delivered historic long-term benefits.
Government regulations have a great impact on the price of Optimism and other currencies. Tax policies, regulations regarding investments, mining restrictions, government plans for official digital currencies, and other developments can move the crypto market higher or lower.
Newsmakers increasingly influence crypto prices. When a billionaire entrepreneur tweets support for a particular coin or token, the price often goes up. More and more celebrities are promoting cryptos and NFTs to millions of followers on social media. The effects of these endorsements on crypto prices cannot be overstated. Watch for mentions of Optimism in the news, monitor OP on Twitter. Visit the project’s online community at Discord or elsewhere. The better informed you are, the better the decisions you will be empowered to make.
How much is 1 Optimism worth?


(US Dollar)

(Bulgarian Lev)

(Czech Koruna)

(Hungarian Forint)

(Polish Zloty)

(Swedish Krona)

(Turkish Lira)

(Swiss Franc)

(Norwegian Krone)

(Romanian Leu)

(Danish Krone)
Understanding the crypto market dynamics
The crypto market is a highly dynamic and fast-paced environment that rapidly changes. Just as with Optimism, understanding these dynamics can be pivotal to your investment decisions. An important consideration is market volatility. Optimism and similar cryptocurrencies have had high price volatility in the past. Sharp price increases and drops can happen within hours, or even minutes. This volatility can present both risks and opportunities for investors interested in OP.
Optimism along with the rest of the crypto market tends to follow Bitcoin’s price moves. This is partly because Bitcoin’s market cap accounts for over a third of the crypto market as a whole. In addition, the competitive landscape within the cryptocurrency market can also affect Optimism’s price. The entry of new competitors, or the development of more advanced technologies by existing competitors, can pose a risk to Optimism’s market position.
The impact of global economic events on Optimism price
The OP exchange rate sometimes moves with or in response to changes in the wider economy. Like all crypto, Optimism can be affected by Government regulations. Tax policies, regulations regarding investments, mining restrictions, government plans for official digital currencies, and other developments can move the Optimism price higher or lower.
Government policies encouraging the development and use of cryptocurrencies can boost the OP exchange rate, while those that restrict or ban crypto can lead to price drops.
Economic instability or crises can lead people to look for alternatives to fiat currency, potentially increasing demand for Optimism and other cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, strong economic growth can lead to increased crypto investment as individuals and companies look for new profit opportunities.
Investing in cryptocurrencies like Optimism can be an exciting yet challenging endeavour. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, staying informed and understanding the various factors that can impact crypto prices can help you navigate your investment journey with confidence.
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The role of crypto exchanges
Cryptocurrency exchanges play a crucial role in the trading and pricing of cryptocurrencies like Optimism. They serve as platforms where buyers and sellers meet to trade crypto. The prices of cryptocurrencies are determined by the buying and selling activity within these exchanges
All of these factors influence the Optimism exchange rate and the exchange rates of other cryptocurrencies – today. They all influence investment decisions in the crypto market, and those decisions determine the market price.
Live Optimism value and market cap
The live Optimism exchange rate varies from moment to moment as transactions take place on exchanges all over the world. Given the volatility of cryptocurrencies, prices can rise or fall significantly in a short period.
The market capitalisation of Optimism is equal to the value of Optimism multiplied by the number of Optimism in circulation.
Optimism Price FAQ
What factors influence the price of Optimism?
Political events, the world economy, celebrity endorsements, and market news are among the countless factors that influence cryptocurrency prices. To see how Optimism tracks the overall market, check out our comprehensive cryptocurrency price page.
How is the Optimism exchange rate calculated?
The OP exchange rate is decided by supply and demand on cryptocurrency exchanges. When more people are buying Optimism than selling it, the price goes up. When more are selling, the price goes down.
Why is the live Optimism price different on different cryptocurrency exchanges?
Optimism’s price quote is based on transactions taking place at each exchange. There is no standard global Optimism exchange rate. The trading volume and liquidity are different for each exchange, and those differences affect the price.
What will Optimism be worth in the future?
Any number of things could affect the value of Optimism in the future, including changes to regulation, the rate of adoption by retail and institutional investors, and technological developments. Because unknown future events can affect the price, it is impossible to make a precise Optimism price prediction.
What is the highest price of Optimism in EUR?
Optimism price history shows that Optimism has recorded a peak value of 4.460000 €.
What is the lowest price of Optimism in EUR?
Kriptomat data confirms that 0.383155000 € is the lowest recorded Optimism value.
How much Optimism should I buy?
If you’re purchasing tokens to use an app or play a game, explore the website and see how much you’ll need. If you’re acquiring Optimism as an investment, take a look at your financial goals, your investment fund, and your portfolio. Smart investors build portfolios of 10 or more cryptocurrencies, balancing factors like anticipated growth rates, volatility, market niche, and more.