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Fetch.ai (FET)

Fetch.ai (FET) is available now for full buy and sell access at Kriptomat. With a market capitalization of , Fetch.ai ranks number among Kriptomat supported coins and tokens.

price in 24h
price in 24h +2%
Fetch.ai icon

Fetch.ai (FET) information

Fetch.ai comparison to BTC and ETH

Price in BTC
1h% in BTC
24h% in BTC
7d% in BTC
30d% in BTC
200d% in BTC
Price in ETH
1h% in ETH
24h% in ETH
7d% in ETH
30d% in ETH
200d% in ETH
Price % change comparison

Build your Fetch.ai holdings automatically.

Schedule future Fetch.ai purchases on a weekly or monthly basis and Kriptomat will execute the transactions automatically. Kriptomat Recurring Buy is based on cost averaging, a widely recommended investment strategy for achieving long-term financial goals. It’s the painless way to build up your portfolio over time and a great way to buy FET.

Recurring buy

Investigate Similar Cryptocurrency

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