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EOS Price Overview

The current EOS price is 0.754400 €. The price has changed by -4.55% in the past 24 hours on trading volume of 223950433.00 €. The market rank of EOS is 102 based on a market capitalization of 1146225234.00 €. EOS has a circulating supply of 1516885789.17 EOS. The highest recorded EOS price is 18.700 €. And the lowest recorded EOS price is 0.370249000 €.

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Eos (EOS) Price

EOSIO is a relatively new blockchain, designed to facilitate the building and operation of decentralized applications (dApps). It prioritizes performance by enabling more transactions per second (TPS) than other blockchains – while completely eliminating fees for users. EOSIO is also more accessible for developers, as they are able to build dApps with flexible, popular WebAssembly languages like Java or C++.

EOSIO's native cryptocurrency EOS is used for voting and covering the cost of blockchain operations. It's had an interesting price history, and if you want to know why, then you're in the right place. We've compiled everything you need in order to get a better understanding of the intricacies of EOS price – as well as the factors that affect it.

Eos Price History

EOS began raising funds in the summer of 2017 with a year-long initial coin offering (ICO) that raised a record-breaking $4 billion USD. EOS tokens first began trading at around $1.28, and apart from a brief spike to $5.10 in July 2017, EOS spent its first few months trading below $2. This changed at the end of November, when EOS' market cap surpassed $1 billion as its price increased by more than 560%, reaching $17.57 in January 2018.

EOS price quickly crashed back down and dipped below $5 in March, but in April EOS found new momentum and surged 260% in under three weeks to arrive at its all-time high of $21.18 at the end of the month, with a market cap of around $16.6 billion. This peak was short-lived, however, and prices fell for the rest of the year – dropping below $2 in December.

In 2019, EOS made steady gains for the first half of the year until it had more than tripled in price. It lost these gains though in the second half of 2019 and ended the year at around the same value that it had started 2019 with.

The price of EOS more than doubled in the first six weeks of 2020, but then it crashed just as quickly including a drop of more than 40% in a single day in March that briefly took EOS below $2. Price remained fairly volatile for the rest of the year – EOS made some gains in August but lost them again in September, and once more EOS ended the year trading at roughly the same level as it had started 2020 at.

There was more activity in the first quarter of 2021 when EOS price shot up by 110% in two and a half weeks to peak at $5.39 in the middle of February.

Analyzing Eos Price History

Like many cryptocurrencies, EOS price follows what’s known as a ‘boom-and-bust’ cycle. This is a pattern where growing excitement causes a spike in interest and a sudden explosive surge in price, at which point doubt and disillusionment set in – resulting in an equally sudden crash.

The first such surge for EOS came at the end of 2017 and continued into the start of 2018. This wasn't unique to EOS – the entire crypto market pumped around that time on the heels of the Bitcoin 2017 bull run. The crash that followed wasn't unexpected as such a sharp increase would have been very difficult to sustain without some kind of correction.

EOS's second surge in Q2 of 2018 may have been driven by an influx of investors wanting to get involved with the ICO before it ended in June – it was already making waves for raising more than any previous ICO. The EOSIO platform for building dApps wasn't actually launched until 1 June 2018, so the price of EOS in a couple of months before that was likely affected by the building anticipation surrounding the project.

In September 2019, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that it had charged EOS' parent company Block.one for conducting an unregistered ICO and ordered them to pay a civil penalty of $24 million. This SEC enforcement action may have contributed to the decline in EOS value in the second half of 2019.

In 2020, EOS was affected by some of the movements in the broader markets. EOS' huge single-day drop in March came as economies and borders were closing down around the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The effect of this was felt by the whole crypto sector and the entire stock market, which experienced the biggest single-day crash since 1987.

The gains made by EOS in August and its dip in September were also common across many other cryptocurrencies, as well as its renewed rally at the start of 2021 on the back of Bitcoin's latest bull run.

Factors Influencing The Price of Eos (EOS)

A variety of different things can affect the price of EOS, including project news and developments, the flow of assets on exchanges, sentiment, and trends in the wider crypto and global economies.

In order to eliminate fees for users, the costs of operating the EOS blockchain are paid for by an inflation mechanism which is capped at 5% per year. This means that EOS isn't a scarce asset like Bitcoin, and its lack of a max supply could put downward pressure on its market if demand for EOS doesn't increase to meet the inflating supply.

EOS uses a delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism, whereby 21 delegates are voted for by EOS token holders out of a larger group of candidate block producers. These voting rights, along with the share of block rewards that EOS holders are usually compensated with, could drive demand for EOS – which would provide upward pressure on its price.

At the end of 2020, the EOS PowerUp Model was introduced, which increases access to resources for EOS holders as well as enabling them to deposit idle EOS tokens in order to receive a percentage of fees generated across the entire EOS blockchain. Once implemented, this proposal will likely also drive demand for EOS.

Live Eos Value and Market Cap

The live price of EOS varies from moment to moment as it's dictated by the balance of buyers and sellers on exchanges, which is in constant flux.

Given EOS' volatility, its live price can change by a large amount in a very short space of time. The market cap of EOS is equal to the price of EOS multiplied by the number of EOS tokens in circulation.

Eos Price FAQ

What is the highest price of EOS in EUR?

EOS price history shows that EOS has recorded a peak value of 18.700 €.

What is the lowest price of EOS in EUR?

Kriptomat data confirms that 0.370249000 € is the lowest recorded EOS value.

What is the current price of EOS in EUR?

EOS is available for immediate purchase at Kriptomat. The current price is 0.754400 €.

How can I buy EOS?

You can consult an expert to tell you how to buy EOS. However, it’s fast and easy to buy EOS with the Kriptomat app. EOS is available for immediate purchase at the current EOS price quote of 0.754400 €. Current prices are always displayed in the EOS chart.

What will EOS be worth in the future?

It's impossible to make price predictions with any kind of certainty as a whole host of different things could affect the price of EOS in the future. Given the gradual inflation of EOS' circulating supply, any rise in price would require an increase in demand. This could potentially happen with the successful implementation of the EOS PowerUp Model.

Why is the price of EOS different on different cryptocurrency exchanges?

EOS' price is based purely on trading as there is no standard global EOS price, so no one knows what it is "supposed" to cost. The trading volume and liquidity are different for each exchange and those differences are what affect the price.


EOS has been on quite a journey since it appeared in the summer of 2017. During its record-breaking and controversial year-long ICO, EOS went from lows of $0.50 to highs of over $20. Its history has been volatile, with plenty of surges and crashes along the way.

The price of EOS has been affected by news about its ICO, the inflation of its circulating supply and movements in the broader crypto market and economy. Its current valuation is derived from the balance of supply and demand in the markets and constantly changes.

If you want to get started with the most user-friendly trading experience on the market, register with Kriptomat today to begin your journey into the world of EOS and cryptocurrencies!

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