How and where to store Sui
Once you buy Sui on the Kriptomat platform, we seamlessly transfer it to your dedicated and secure Sui wallet within our platform. Each user receives an individual wallet.
To protect our customers and their funds, we offer secure offline storage and conduct regular security audits. This approach makes our platform a haven for storing Sui and other cryptocurrencies.
Smart strategies for buying Sui with Kriptomat
Buy Sui through Intelligent Portfolios
Explore the option to buy Sui through Kriptomat’s Intelligent Portfolios. These portfolios are designed to optimise returns by leveraging advanced algorithms and diversifying investments across various cryptocurrencies, including Sui. By choosing a portfolio that includes Sui, you can invest in this cryptocurrency alongside other assets, benefiting from automated rebalancing and smart management.
Use Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) for your Sui investment
Utilise Kriptomat Recurring Buy (DCA) feature to automate your Sui purchases over time. DCA allows you to spread your investments across regular intervals, making it easier to enter the crypto market with reduced risk from price volatility. With DCA, you accumulate Sui gradually with a specific amount rather than making a single large investment at once.