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kriptomat short-listed for ica compliance award europe
Kriptomat Short-Listed for ICA Compliance Award Europe

Judges have singled out Kriptomat for exemplary work in combating financial crime and complying with government regulations.

kriptomat drafts finance industry veteran to lead compliance team
Kriptomat Drafts Finance Industry Veteran to Lead Compliance Team

Viljar Kähari has joined Kriptomat and its parent company, FintechX OÜ, as a chief compliance officer. Based in the company’s Tallinn, Estonia, headquarters, he will also serve as a member of the management board.

announcing the new and improved kriptomat
Announcing the New and Improved Kriptomat

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our redefined brand strategy and identity as we take the next step in our journey.

kriptomat is getting a new look
Kriptomat is getting a new look

You have helped us become one of the fastest-growing platforms in Europe – and with that we knew it was time for a fresh look. We hope you love it as much as we do.

kriptomat keeps customers first by putting kriptoearn on hold
Kriptomat Keeps Customers First by Putting KriptoEarn on Hold

Kriptomat has temporarily disabled its popular KriptoEarn feature. The move comes amid market conditions surrounding the well-publicized failure of major crypto businesses in recent weeks.

kriptomat achieves vasp status in spain
Kriptomat achieves VASP status in Spain

We are pleased to announce that the national bank of Spain has granted Kriptomat official virtual assets service provider status for cryptocurrency exchange and custodial services.

kriptomat achieves registered vasp status in poland
Kriptomat achieves registered VASP status in Poland

FintechX OÜ’s Kriptomat platform has earned a spot on the Virtual Currency Business Register maintained by the Director of Poland’s Tax Administration Chamber.

kriptomat earns iso compliance management and anti-bribery certification
Kriptomat Earns ISO Compliance Management and Anti-Bribery Certification

Kriptomat has become the first cryptocurrency platform to demonstrate commitment to ongoing improvement in regulatory compliance and anti-bribery management from ISO, the International Organization for Standardization.

buy efinity, win great prizes – worth 4,000 € + iphone 13
Buy Efinity, Win Great Prizes – Worth 4,000 € + iPhone 13

Kriptomat is the easiest, fastest way to buy Efinity (EFI). And for a limited time, it’s also the best place to win great rewards.

kriptomat supports apecoin (ape)
Kriptomat Supports ApeCoin (APE)

We are pleased to announce that ApeCoin – one of the crypto world’s most exciting new tokens – is available for trading at Kriptomat.

it’s our biggest referral promotion ever
It’s Our Biggest Referral Promotion Ever

Get ready for excitement and lots of BTC rewards. We’re launching our biggest-ever Invite a Friend promotion with the highest rewards we have ever offered – and a chance to earn even more with an amazing 20,000 € prize pool.

kriptomat adds gbp support in the united kingdom
Kriptomat Adds GBP Support in the United Kingdom

At Kriptomat, “Everybody Deserves Crypto” is more than a motto – it’s a mission. Local fiat currency support is one more way this innovative platform is making it easy for users everywhere to enjoy the benefits of the crypto revolution.

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