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Done-for-you crypto portfolio management

Grow a diversified crypto portfolio on autopilot.

Missing out on profits with manual investing? Intelligent Portfolios adjust to the market trends to help you maximize returns and minimize risks — automatically. Select the portfolio you like best, and we take care of the rest.

  • Kriptomat Instantly own a diversified portfolio
  • KriptomatReduce risks by spreading your assets
  • KriptomatSave time with automated portfolio management
Invest on autopilot You only need €100 to start.
Intelligent Portfolios

Choose the portfolio you like best.
We’ll take care of the rest.

Intelligent Portfolios offer instant access to diversified crypto investments that are automatically managed for you.

Capital at risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Start with €100

Have you ever felt this way?

What to buy You don't know what to buy or when to sell.
What to buy You're afraid to lose everything on a single coin.
What to buy You don’t have time for research and analysis.

Getting into crypto is hard... but with Kriptomat, it's easy

Balanced investing. Zero guessing.

Balanced investing. Zero guessing.

Skip months or years of guesswork and gut-wrenching mistakes with a pre-built investment strategy, designed for optimal performance.

24-7 Automated Portfolio Management

24/7 Automated Portfolio Management

Forget about analytics or timing trades. Kriptomat tracks the markets and adjusts your portfolio every week or month to boost returns and capture the market trends.

More diversification. Less risk.

More diversification. Less risk.

Warren Buffett didn’t get wealthy on one stock, and neither will you. A balanced portfolio spreads your investments across multiple coins to reduce risks.

Easy to start

Easy to start (even for total beginners).

You don't need to be rich or super smart to start investing. You can begin with as little as €100 and let Intelligent Portfolios do all the work for you.

Make crypto easy

Start with €100

Kriptomat's Intelligent Portfolio made investing effortless for me. The automated management saved me time, and the €100 minimum Investment limit was perfect to start my crypto investment journey.
Kevin - 34

How it works

Start building your wealth the smart way
in 3 easy steps.

Choose your portfolio

Choose your portfolio

We have 10 carefully curated portfolios for different goals and risk tolerance.

Choose your portfolio

Start with €100

Begin with a low minimum investment, which we spread across all the coins in the portfolio.

Choose your portfolio

Let it grow

Relax, as Kriptomat handles the market analysis and rebalances your portfolio each month.*


*Like with any investment capital is at risk.
Past performance is not an indication of the future.

Why are we the right choice?

Kriptomat is the easy-to-use crypto exchange platform built for everyone from total beginners to expert investors.

Most crypto platforms
Steep learning curve
Tricky verification process
Limited pre-made portfolios
Time-consuming to manage
Hidden charges
Limited customer support
Kriptomat is right choice?
Perfect for beginners & experts
Easy to set up in minutes
Pre-built diversified portfolios
Done-for-you investing
100% transparency on fees
Live support in 20+ languages

Why are we the right choice?

Kriptomat is the easy-to-use crypto exchange platform built for everyone from total beginners to expert investors.

Kriptomat is right choice?
Perfect for beginners & experts
Easy to set up in minutes
Pre-built diversified portfolios
Done-for-you investing
100% transparency on fees
Limited customer support

Most crypto platforms

Steep learning curve
Tricky verification process
Limited pre-made portfolios
Time-consuming to manage
Hidden charges
Live support in 20+ languages


What are the fees associated with Intelligent Portfolios?

Intelligent Portfolios have various fees: a 1% annual management fee, a 10% performance fee charged monthly only if the portfolio generates profit, a 0.25% rebalancing fee, and a 1% exit fee during asset withdrawal.

What is the minimum investment amount required for Intelligent Portfolios?

When do I receive rewards?

Is Intelligent Portfolios suitable for beginners in cryptocurrency investment?

Can I modify my investment plan within Intelligent Portfolios?

Do I have to monitor my Intelligent Portfolios and make changes?

Can I modify my investment plan within Intelligent Portfolios?

Ready to stop doing crypto on hard mode?
It’s time to take the stress and guesswork out of investing.
You only need €100 to start.

*Risk Warning: Digital asset prices are subject to high market risk and price volatility. The value of your investment may go down or up, and you may not get back the amount invested. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions and Kriptomat is not liable for any losses you may incur. Past performance is not a reliable predictor of future performance. You should only invest in products you are familiar with and where you understand the risks. You should carefully consider your investment experience, financial situation, investment objectives and risk tolerance and consult an independent financial adviser prior to making any investment. This material should not be construed as financial advice. For more information, see our Terms of Service and Risk Warning.