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Orchid (OXT) is now available on Kriptomat
Orchid (OXT) is now available on Kriptomat

Kriptomat now supports Orchid (OXT) at Kriptomat.io and in Kriptomat Android and iOS mobile applications. OXT is now available in all Kriptomat-supported regions.

Celer Network (CELR) is now available on Kriptomat
Celer Network (CELR) is now available on Kriptomat

The use cases for blockchains today are limited by their insufficient scalability, similar to how the dial-up internet of the 90s wouldn’t be able to support 4K video streaming.

new year brings changes, improvements to kriptomat platform
New Year Brings Changes, Improvements to Kriptomat Platform

Kriptomat is starting 2021 with a new infrastructure that provides substantial security and scaling improvements. Kriptomat's updated platform for trading, moving, and storing digital assets is more secure and efficient than ever.

manage portfolio
Manage Your Crypto Portfolio Like A Pro

A crypto investment can be worth a fortune one moment and become worthless the next; it all depends on how smartly you manage your crypto portfolio.

earn interest using cryptocurrency with our new savings account
Earn Interest Using Cryptocurrency With Our New Savings Account

The Kriptomat Savings account is perfect for people who want to earn both the benefits of their cryptocurrency going up in price AND the passive income and reliable returns of a traditional interest-bearing account. It’s the best of the old world, improved by the finance system of the future.

kriptomat has earned iso information security accreditation
Kriptomat Has Earned ISO Information Security Accreditation

In May 2020, following an independent audit based on 114 criteria set by the International Organization for Standardization, Kriptomat became the first European cryptocurrency exchange to receive ISO information security certification.

Samsung Releases More Information About Their Upcoming Blockchain Platform SDK

Today, Samsung released more information about its upcoming Blockchain Platform SDK, a solution they say “tackles two of the biggest obstacles in expanding the DApp ecosystem: security and the complexity of building a mobile-compatible DApp.”

China Invests Heavily into Blockchain Technology

Speaking as part of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on Thursday in Beijing, Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, told the assembly that blockchain technology has a wide range of potential applications within China.

AAA-Quality Blockchain Game Launches on Ethereum Mainnet

Garage Studios just announced that their tactical first-person shooter (FPS) blockchain game, Dissolution, is live on Ethereum Mainnet.

mark zuckerburg explains how libra will help facebook corner the ad market
Mark Zuckerburg explains how Libra will help Facebook corner the ad market

During his hearing in congress yesterday, Mark Zuckerberg was asked by Congressman David Kustoff (R-Tenn) to explain how Facebook will monetize Libra.

Blockchain Ventures Invests in Enjin

Blockchain Ventures, an investment arm of one of the most prominent institutions in the blockchain space, has made an equity investment into Enjin.

Shift Money Conference – One Week Later
Shift Money Conference – One Week Later

Last week a portion of the Kriptomat team visited Zagreb to attend the 2019 edition of the Shift Money Financial Technology Conference, whose purpose is to explore new ways to disrupt the world of Payments, Insurance, Lending & Blockchain.

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